Flexible work – such as working from home during school holidays – can sometimes be more of a curse than a blessing for employees, with current research suggesting it can add stress for working parents. School holidays are here again, and working parents across NSW will empathise with TV presenterRead More →

In the 2020 ACOSS report on ‘Poverty In Australia‘, it was determined that 774,000 children or 1 in 6 Australian children aged 0-14 years lived in poverty.  (the latest available data). At 17.7%, the percentage of children living in poverty is higher than the percentage of any other age group –Read More →

THE CHALLENGE Working Solutions Inc is seeking work opportunities for single parents across Australia. We are challenging small businesses and large alike to open work opportunities that are flexible and sustainable for single parents. One thing we have learned during the Pandemic is that working with kids in the spaceRead More →

Working Solutions Inc is managed by a committee who have experienced the challenges of raising children as single parents, or have been the children challenged by the lack of opportunities afforded their single parent in work, home and community. We welcome single mums and dads to use the information onRead More →

Wondering who’s saying what about this situation ? There is a great deal of dialogue about single parenting.  Much of it centres around single mums but we acknowledge single Dads, Non-Binary and Gender Diverse single parents as part of our solo parent community. Below is a series of links toRead More →

COMMUNITY AND INFORMATION DIRECTORY Trying to define the experience of being a single parent raises so many thoughts, good and challenging.  While some of us choose to be solo parents, others of us are often left suffering from the ‘how’ and ‘why’ family life changed.  We can see that changeRead More →